Recently discovered ‘Dinosaur Mummy’ is so well-preserved it even has the skin and guts intact

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You are currently viewing Recently discovered ‘Dinosaur Mummy’ is so well-preserved it even has the skin and guts intact

The recently found “Dinosaur Mummy” is so beautifully preserved that the skin and internal organs are still in place.

In an amazing turn of events, miners in Canada made a discovery that has shocked scientists to its core: a “Dinosaur Mummy” that is so perfectly preserved that it provides a unique window into prehistoric existence, complete with skin and guts.

One of the project’s researchers screamed, “We don’t just have a skeleton.” “We’ve got a dinosaur just like it was.”

This amazing specimen surpasses expectations and is heralded as the best-preserved dinosaur ever unearthed. Its bones are hidden beneath layers of unusually well-preserved skin and armour, unlike other fossils.

Borealopelta on display at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Alberta. (Wikimedia Commons)

This fossilised nodosaur, which was unintentionally discovered by miners in Canada, is over 110 million years old. Its skin still bears astonishingly detailed patterns, nevertheless, which has led experts to compare it to a “dinosaur mummy.”

This incredible find was unveiled by the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Alberta, Canada, and is considered a once-in-a-lifetime find. Researchers are shocked by the creature’s extraordinary degree of preservation, which includes intact skin, armour, and even some internal organs.

One researcher said, “You don’t need much imagination to reconstruct it.” “You could almost believe it was sleeping if you squinted your eyes a little bit.”

Borealopelta on display at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Alberta. (Wikimedia Commons)

Only the skeletons of nodosaurs have previously been discovered, providing a view of their intimidating armoured form. However, the preservation of this nodosaur, which belongs to the recently found species Borealopelta markmitchelli, is quite amazing.

The mummified nodosaur, which weighed an estimated 3,000 pounds in life, is still largely composed of that weight, which is a tribute to the extraordinary preservation it has seen over millions of years.

According to research, the nodosaur might have met its demise in a flooded river and was finally taken out to sea, where it sank to the ocean floor. Its body may have accumulated minerals throughout time, which have preserved it in incredible detail.

Borealopelta markmitchelli provides more than just physical preservation; it is named in honour of technician Mark Mitchell, who devoted countless hours to the meticulous excavation of the fossil. Researchers have determined the creature’s initial skin colour using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry techniques, providing insight into its evolutionary adaptations.

This strongly armoured herbivore’s finding highlights the dangerous habitat it inhabited and conjures up visions of the ferocious predators that formerly roamed the planet.

Borealopelta on display at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Alberta. (Wikimedia Commons)

Discovered by an unwary excavator operator in an oil sands mine, the nodosaur’s journey from an ancient burial site to a public display has captured the attention of viewers all over the world. Its three-dimensional preservation, which keeps the animal’s natural shape, solidifies its reputation as a scientific marvel even more.

Borealopelta on display at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Alberta. (Wikimedia Commons)

This extraordinary specimen, which one researcher rightly refers to as the “Mona Lisa of dinosaurs,” will go on eternally in scientific annals as a reminder of the everlasting mysteries and glories of our planet’s distant past.


Lets read more about Ankylosaurus

Ankylosaurus | A Fascinating Dinosaur Species


Ankylosaurus, one of the most iconic dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous period, continues to captivate the imagination of scientists and enthusiasts alike. With its distinctive armor plating and formidable tail club, this herbivorous giant roamed the ancient landscapes millions of years ago. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of Ankylosaurus, exploring its anatomy, behavior, and significance in the study of dinosaur paleontology.

Anatomy and Physical Characteristics:

Ankylosaurus, meaning “fused lizard,” earned its name due to the extensive armor plating covering its body. This armored exterior consisted of thick, bony plates called osteoderms embedded in its skin, providing protection against predators. These plates were fused to the underlying bones, creating a rigid shield-like structure.

One of the most distinctive features of Ankylosaurus is its tail club, which could reach lengths of up to several feet. This weaponized appendage was composed of dense bone and muscle, capable of delivering devastating blows to potential threats. The tail club served both defensive and offensive purposes, making Ankylosaurus a formidable adversary in its prehistoric environment.

In addition to its armor plating and tail club, Ankylosaurus possessed a low-slung body with powerful legs and a broad, flat skull equipped with sharp beak-like jaws for feeding on vegetation. Despite its massive size, Ankylosaurus was likely a slow-moving animal, relying on its armored defense to deter predators rather than speed.

Behavior and Habitat:

Ankylosaurus is believed to have been a primarily solitary animal, wandering the ancient floodplains and woodlands in search of food. As a herbivore, it would have grazed on low-lying vegetation such as ferns, cycads, and conifers, using its sturdy beak to crop vegetation close to the ground.

Due to its armored exterior and formidable tail club, Ankylosaurus likely had few natural predators. However, it may have faced threats from large carnivorous dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus rex, which could have targeted weak or injured individuals.

Ankylosaurus inhabited the western regions of North America during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 68 to 66 million years ago. Fossil discoveries suggest that it preferred lush, subtropical environments with ample vegetation and water sources, although it may have also ventured into more arid regions in search of food.

Significance in Paleontology:

The discovery of Ankylosaurus fossils has provided invaluable insights into the diversity and evolution of dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous period. By studying its anatomy and behavior, paleontologists have been able to reconstruct the ancient ecosystems in which Ankylosaurus lived and the interactions between different species.

Furthermore, Ankylosaurus serves as a reminder of the incredible adaptations that dinosaurs developed over millions of years of evolution. Its armored body and defensive weaponry highlight the diverse strategies that dinosaurs employed to survive and thrive in a world dominated by massive predators.


In conclusion, Ankylosaurus remains one of the most fascinating and enigmatic dinosaurs ever to have roamed the Earth. With its armored exterior, formidable tail club, and herbivorous diet, it represents a unique adaptation to its prehistoric environment. Through ongoing research and fossil discoveries, scientists continue to unravel the mysteries surrounding Ankylosaurus, shedding light on its biology, behavior, and significance in the history of life on Earth.

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