On the occasion of Jennifer Aniston’s 51st birthday, a magazine publishes a photoshoot of her, and it quickly becomes popular online.

You are going to have to deal with the unavoidable at some point. "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, why do my dark circles seem to grow?" No matter how many…

Continue ReadingOn the occasion of Jennifer Aniston’s 51st birthday, a magazine publishes a photoshoot of her, and it quickly becomes popular online.

Rare pictures of Marilyn Monroe taken before she became famous all over the world show her modelling in the Pinup style.

In 1946, Richard C. Miller, a talented photographer, asked a pin-up girl from the American Armed Forces to stand for a photo shoot. He didn't know yet, though, that his…

Continue ReadingRare pictures of Marilyn Monroe taken before she became famous all over the world show her modelling in the Pinup style.