The incredible weight loss of the former heaviest child in the world is proof that no goal is unattainable.

An Indonesian kid named Arya Permana previously weighed 421 pounds (191 kilogrammes), a size that required him to take showers in a pool built just for him. Although he was…

Continue ReadingThe incredible weight loss of the former heaviest child in the world is proof that no goal is unattainable.

Two of their Female Friends Exhibited How the Same Clothes Appear When Worn by Women of Varied Body Types

Denise Mercedes and Maria Castellanos are both stunning women, but their bodies couldn't be more dissimilar to one another. Denise and Maria are both incredibly stunning. At Bright Side, we…

Continue ReadingTwo of their Female Friends Exhibited How the Same Clothes Appear When Worn by Women of Varied Body Types

Susan Sarandon was honest about what it’s like to become a mum at an age when others are already watching their grandchildren.

Most of the time, people don't talk about the issues women face when they try to get pregnant. It can lead to medical findings, long-term treatments, and mental health problems.…

Continue ReadingSusan Sarandon was honest about what it’s like to become a mum at an age when others are already watching their grandchildren.