7 Reasons You Can Feel or Hear Your Own Heartbeat, According to Cardiologists

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  • Post last modified:July 27, 2024
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You are currently viewing 7 Reasons You Can Feel or Hear Your Own Heartbeat, According to Cardiologists

Experiencing the sensation of feeling or hearing your own heartbeat can be unsettling. While it’s often harmless, it’s important to understand the underlying causes. Here are seven reasons you might experience this phenomenon, according to cardiologists, along with what you can do about it.

1. Increased Heart Rate (Tachycardia)

Why: A rapid heartbeat can be felt more prominently. Tachycardia, or a heart rate exceeding 100 beats per minute, may be triggered by factors such as exercise, stress, fever, or stimulants like caffeine.

What to Do: If the sensation is temporary and linked to identifiable triggers (like exercise or caffeine), it’s usually not a cause for concern. However, if you experience persistent or unexplained rapid heartbeats, consult a healthcare provider.

2. Anxiety and Stress

Why: Anxiety and stress can lead to heightened awareness of bodily functions, including your heartbeat. This condition, known as palpitations, can make you more aware of your heartbeat, especially when you’re anxious or under stress.

What to Do: Practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga. If anxiety is persistent, seek support from a mental health professional.

3. High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Why: Elevated blood pressure can increase the workload on your heart and make you more aware of your heartbeat. You might feel a pounding sensation in your chest or hear your heartbeat more clearly.

What to Do: Monitor your blood pressure regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise. Consult your doctor for personalized advice and treatment if you have high blood pressure.

4. Anemia

Why: Anemia, a condition characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin, can cause the heart to work harder to pump oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. This increased effort can lead to a sensation of a stronger or more noticeable heartbeat.

What to Do: If you suspect anemia, consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Treatment typically involves addressing the underlying cause of the anemia and may include dietary changes or supplements.

5. Arrhythmias

Why: Arrhythmias, or irregular heartbeats, can cause you to feel or hear your heartbeat more prominently. Conditions such as atrial fibrillation or premature ventricular contractions can lead to palpitations.

What to Do: If you experience irregular heartbeats or palpitations, seek medical evaluation. Your doctor may perform tests like an ECG to determine the cause and recommend appropriate treatment.

6. Hormonal Changes

Why: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those occurring during pregnancy, menopause, or thyroid disorders, can affect heart rate and rhythm. These changes can make you more aware of your heartbeat.

What to Do: If hormonal changes are suspected, consult your healthcare provider for evaluation and management. Treatment may involve addressing the hormonal imbalance or underlying condition.

7. Fever or Illness

Why: Fever or acute illness can elevate your heart rate as your body works harder to fight off infection or manage increased body temperature. This can make your heartbeat more noticeable.

What to Do: Rest and stay hydrated if you’re experiencing a fever or illness. Seek medical attention if your symptoms are severe or persistent.


Feeling or hearing your own heartbeat can be due to a variety of factors, from increased heart rate to underlying health conditions. While occasional awareness of your heartbeat is usually not a cause for concern, persistent or severe symptoms should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Understanding these potential causes can help you manage your health more effectively and seek appropriate care when needed.

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