A Selfie Captured on Mount Everest Definitely Disapproves the Flat Earth Hypothesis

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  • Post last modified:March 27, 2024
  • Reading time:10 mins read
You are currently viewing A Selfie Captured on Mount Everest Definitely Disapproves the Flat Earth Hypothesis

The debate over whether the Earth is flat or round has persisted for generations, despite overwhelming scientific evidence supporting the latter. It’s a bizarre conversation to still be having in the 21st century, but alas, here we are. Enter Mount Everest—the majestic pinnacle that stands at a staggering 8,848 meters above sea level. Recently, a selfie taken from its summit has ignited a fresh wave of responses, effectively putting flat-Earthers in their place.

The Selfie That Changed Everything

The image, cheekily captioned “Checkmate Flat Earth Society,” emerged on Reddit, capturing the attention of both skeptics and believers. But what does this selfie reveal? Let’s break it down:

  1. The Curvature of the Earth: The photograph appears to show the unmistakable curvature of our planet. From this vantage point, Earth reveals its true shape—a magnificent sphere suspended against the vastness of space.
  2. Fish-Eye Lens Controversy: Some critics argue that the curvature results from the use of a fish-eye lens. While it’s true that wide-angle lenses can distort perspectives, the sheer altitude of Everest provides an unparalleled view—one that transcends any lens-induced effects.
  3. The Cluttered Summit: Observant viewers noticed something peculiar—the top of Everest looked like a garbage dump. National Geographic has aptly labeled it the “world’s highest garbage dump.” Why? The influx of climbers—up to 500 visitors daily during peak seasons—leaves behind debris, flags, and remnants of their arduous journey. It’s baffling that people who risk their lives ascending Everest then proceed to litter its pristine heights.
outer space photography of earth
Photo by ActionVance on Unsplash

Debunking the Flat Earth Theory

Let’s address the flat-Earth argument head-on:

  1. The Globe-Trotters:

    In the annals of history, the audacious voyages of globe-trotters stand as a testament to human curiosity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. These intrepid explorers embarked on perilous journeys across uncharted waters, driven by the desire to discover what lay beyond the horizon. Their remarkable feats not only expanded the boundaries of the known world but also dispelled the pervasive myth of a flat Earth.


    The Age of Discovery

    The Age of Discovery, spanning the 15th to the 17th century, was a pivotal era marked by unprecedented maritime exploration. Pioneering navigators like Ferdinand Magellan, whose expedition (1519-1522) became the first to circumnavigate the globe, played a crucial role in shaping our understanding of the world’s geography.

    Debunking the Flat Earth Myth

    The notion that one could sail off the edge of the Earth was a prevalent belief in medieval times. However, the successful circumnavigation by these globe-trotters provided irrefutable evidence that the Earth was not a flat disc but a spherical body. Their return to the point of origin after traveling in a continuous direction was proof positive of the planet’s roundness.

    The Legacy of the Globe-Trotters

    The legacy of these early explorers is not merely confined to the annals of history; it resonates in the spirit of every modern adventurer who sets out to explore the unknown. Their courage and determination continue to inspire us to challenge the status quo and seek the truth, no matter how deeply entrenched the misconceptions may be.


    The globe-trotters of yesteryears were more than just adventurers; they were the harbingers of a new age of enlightenment. By proving the Earth’s roundness, they laid the foundation for the scientific revolution and the expansion of human knowledge. As we stand on the shoulders of these giants, let us honor their legacy by continuing to explore, discover, and learn.

    Earth with clouds above the African continent
    Photo by NASA on Unsplash

  2. Mount Everest’s Revelation:

Standing at the summit of Mount Everest, one is not only at the pinnacle of the Earth’s surface but also at a vantage point that offers a profound revelation. It is here, above the clouds and closer to the stars than any other place on Earth, that the curvature of our planet becomes an undeniable visual experience. This blog post explores the transformative perspective gained from the world’s highest peak and how it challenges flat Earth theories.

The Summit Experience

Imagine the arduous journey to the top of Mount Everest, a trek that pushes the limits of human endurance. Climbers face extreme weather, treacherous terrain, and the ever-present risk of altitude sickness. Yet, those who reach the summit are rewarded with more than just a sense of accomplishment; they witness a sight that few have seen—the Earth’s curvature.

Beyond Conspiracy Theories

For centuries, the shape of the Earth has been the subject of debate and conspiracy theories. Despite scientific evidence and space exploration, some still cling to the flat Earth hypothesis. However, standing atop Everest, one can see the horizon as a curved line, a visual testament to the Earth’s spherical shape.

The Globe Unveiled

The curvature seen from Everest is not a trick of the light or an optical illusion; it is a perspective that transcends skepticism. It’s a moment of clarity where science and sensory experience converge, revealing the truth about our home—a globe, spinning in the vastness of space.


Mount Everest’s revelation is a powerful reminder of our planet’s true form. It’s a testament to the courage of explorers who scale its heights and a call to embrace scientific understanding. As we continue to explore the mysteries of the universe, let us hold onto the undeniable truths revealed by our own world.

3. Trash and Truth

In the face of our planet’s environmental challenges, the dual revelations from Mount Everest speak volumes—not only about the Earth’s shape but also about our responsibility towards it. This blog post delves into the collective awakening needed to address the pressing issues of environmental stewardship and scientific literacy.

The Truth About Our Planet

The curvature of the Earth, visible from the summit of Everest, is a powerful symbol of the truth about our planet’s shape. It stands as a testament against the flat Earth hypothesis, reinforcing what science has long established: the Earth is a globe.

The Trash on the Trails

However, the truth about our planet’s shape isn’t the only revelation that Everest offers. The mountain also reveals the unfortunate reality of human impact on even the most remote and majestic of natural wonders. The trails leading up to and the summit itself are littered with the remnants of human expeditions.

A Call for Collective Awakening

It’s time for a collective awakening—a realization that our actions have consequences that reach far beyond our immediate surroundings. Climbers who take on the challenge of Everest must also take on the responsibility of leaving no trace. Carrying trash back down the mountain is a non-negotiable duty, a small but significant step towards preserving the beauty and sanctity of this natural wonder.

Beyond Trash Cans: A Sustainable Approach

While installing trash cans on Everest might seem like a straightforward solution, it’s not feasible due to the mountain’s extreme conditions and the logistical challenges involved. Instead, a sustainable approach is needed, one that involves better planning, education, and enforcement of strict leave-no-trace policies.


Mount Everest’s revelations—both of the Earth’s curvature and the trash left behind—serve as a reminder of our dual responsibility: to respect scientific truths and to protect our natural environment. As we continue to explore and push the boundaries of human achievement, let us do so with a commitment to truth and stewardship.

gold and silver desk globe
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash


So there you have it—a selfie from the roof of the world, a snapshot that disapproves the flat Earth hypothesis. As we gaze at that curved horizon, let’s also reflect on our responsibility to protect our planet. Whether you’re a mountaineer, a scientist, or an armchair philosopher, remember: the Earth is round, and it’s our shared home.

Next time you snap a selfie, consider the view beyond the frame—a fragile blue marble suspended in the cosmic vastness. And as for flat-Earthers? Well, they might want to rethink their position—preferably while picking up their trash.


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