‘Angry Bird’ caught in Texas with images that look to be of a male bird on one side and a female bird on the other.

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  • Post last modified:July 31, 2023
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You are currently viewing ‘Angry Bird’ caught in Texas with images that look to be of a male bird on one side and a female bird on the other.

The bird has white feathers on its right side and red feathers on its left side. The discovery is exceedingly unusual given that only male cardinals are known to have the kind of dark red feathers featured in Angry Birds.

On one side, this bird appears to be a male, while on the other, a female. This bird looks like a female on one side and a male on the other.

An uncommon genetic mutation in a northern cardinal causes the bird to have a male and female appearance on opposite sides of its body. It was recently captured in Texas and remarkably resembles an ‘Angry Birds’ bird from the well-known computer game. The bird has white feathers on its right side and red feathers on its left side. Due to the fact that only male cardinals are known to have dark red feathers, the discovery is exceedingly unusual.

The bird was reportedly collected by the Inland Bird Banding Association (IBBA) in the United States, and according to its experts, it has an uncommon genetic condition called “Bilateral Gynandromorphism.” Simply said, it has an ovary, a testis, and both male and female genitalia.

Despite being a frequent visitor to various areas of central Texas, the bird was just captured and banded by IBBA members this year.

Pictures of the bird were posted on the Inland Bird Banding Association’s official Facebook page. More than 58,000 people have shared the post, and it has about 28,000 likes and replies. It’s fair to say that it has achieved viral fame.


IBBA members in central Texas caught and banded this northern cardinal. This unusual condition, known as apparent bilateral gynandromorphism, causes the bird to have male feathers on one side of its body and female feathers on the other. Such birds have an ovary and a testis, according to IBBA’s Facebook post.

As might be expected, the bird’s unusual look astounded social media users. While several thought it reminded them of Angry Birds, others simply called it “beautiful.”

“God creates life, but nature also occasionally produces something unique. “I like this unusual bird!” Maureen Denny made a statement.

Pamela Powers declared, “Rare abnormality aside, this is a breathtakingly beautiful bird!”

The strange appearance, according to some users, is caused by genetic mutation brought on by pollution and climate change.

According to a user, the mutation might have been caused by pharmaceutical pollution in the bird’s surroundings and may have made the animal’s life more challenging.

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