Backing up large video files

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  • Post last modified:June 13, 2024
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Backing up large video files without paying for a service can be challenging, but there are a few methods you can consider:

  1. External Hard Drives:
    • Purchase external hard drives. They are relatively affordable and provide a good amount of storage. You can find drives with capacities exceeding several terabytes.
    • Ensure you keep multiple copies on different drives to avoid data loss due to drive failure.
  2. Network Attached Storage (NAS):
    • Invest in a NAS device. It connects to your home network and can store large amounts of data. NAS devices often support multiple hard drives, providing redundancy and additional data protection.
  3. Physical Media:
    • Use physical media like Blu-ray discs for archival purposes. Blu-ray discs can store a significant amount of data (up to 128GB per disc) and are suitable for long-term storage.
  4. Local Backup Servers:
    • Set up an old computer as a local backup server. Install large hard drives and configure it to store your video files. This method requires some technical knowledge but can be very cost-effective.
  5. Peer-to-Peer Backup:
    • Arrange a mutual backup agreement with friends or family. You back up their data on your hard drive, and they back up your data on theirs. This provides offsite backup without monetary costs.
  6. Compression:
    • Compress your video files if possible to save space. Use lossless compression formats to maintain video quality.

Steps to Implement Local Backup Solutions:

  1. External Hard Drives:
    • Purchase one or more external hard drives with sufficient capacity.
    • Connect the drive to your computer and copy your video files to it.
    • Store the drives in a safe place, ideally in different physical locations.
  2. NAS Device:
    • Research and purchase a NAS device suitable for your needs.
    • Install the NAS on your network and configure it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Transfer your video files to the NAS for storage.
  3. Setting Up a Backup Server:
    • Use an old computer and install a large hard drive or multiple hard drives.
    • Install an operating system (e.g., FreeNAS, now known as TrueNAS) and configure it as a file server.
    • Transfer your video files to the server.

By utilizing these methods, you can back up your large video files without incurring ongoing costs. Ensure to regularly check the integrity of your backups and update them as necessary.

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