Discover the 10 Deadliest Roads in the World

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Find out about the 10 world’s most dangerous roads.

Some parts of Norway’s Atlantic Ocean Road are unsafe because high winds and waves wash away the road.
Bayburt D915 is hard to drive on because there are no barriers or guard bars.
If you’re going to be on a dangerous road, make sure you have an extra tyre, emergency flashers, first aid supplies and winter driving gear.

One of the most dangerous roads in the world is the Atlantic Ocean Road in Norway.
You can have a great time on the open road whether you’re going on vacation or just taking a trip. Some roads are much more dangerous than others, though most of them are pretty safe. Several dozen to several hundred people die every year on many of the dangerous roads. Someone else could take your life with just one bad move.

Check out the world’s deadliest roads and decide if you’d rather stay away from them or enjoy the thrill and scenery.

1. Atlantic Ocean Road in Norway

World-famous Atlantic road bridge (Atlanterhavsvegen) with an amazing view over the Norwegian mountains.©Dmitry Tkachenko Photo/
World-famous Atlantic road bridge (Atlanterhavsvegen) with an amazing view over the Norwegian mountains. ©Dmitry Tkachenko Photo/

The Atlantic Ocean Road and a lot of other parts of Norway have beautiful views. Some parts of this road are completely safe to drive on, but other parts are very dangerous. The most dangerous part of the road is 5.2 miles (8 kilometres) long. It leaves from Utheim on Averøy and goes to the mainland by going through a group of islands in Møre og Romsdal county.

This road is dangerous because it is at a slope and there is water nearby. The bridge goes up almost 300 metres at a strange angle. The bends of the bridge make it a wind tunnel in the winter. On top of that, the water beats down on this land. Your life could be in danger if you’re not careful and drive in a storm. As a point of comparison, that part of the road had at least twelve storms while it was being built in 1983. In other words, the risk is not small.

2. Bayburt D915 in Turkey

The Bayburt 1915 road in Turkey is one of the most challenging to drive. There are no handrails or barriers and is definitely not for those suffering from vertigo.©yusuf ipekci/
The Bayburt 1915 road in Turkey is one of the most challenging to drive. There are no handrails or barriers and is definitely not for those suffering from vertigo. ©yusuf ipekci/

There are 29 sharp turns on this 66-mile road in Turkey. There are no barriers or railings on any part of the road, not even those turns. So, your driving skills are the only thing that will keep you from going off the edge by mistake.

Some parts of the road are closed in the winter because they are so dangerous. Between dangerous weather and blizzards, it just isn’t possible sometimes. Heavy snow, avalanches, or rocks can kill you even if you drive carefully.

This road is used all the time, even though it is very dangerous. People in the area use it every day on almost all forms of transportation.

3. Dalton Highway in Alaska

The Dalton Highway in Alaska is one of the most isolated roads in the world.©saraporn/
The Dalton Highway in Alaska is one of the most isolated roads in the world. ©saraporn/

From Deadhorse to Elliot Highway, the Dalton Highway, also known as the Dalton Pass, is 414 miles long. Truckers often use this road to get to or from Prudhoe Bay Oil Fields, even though it is very dangerous.

There are many risks on this road. To begin, the fact that it is in Alaska means that it is open to the avalanches and cold, strong winds that can happen in that state. The route also goes through rough terrain and has low sight. Also, it’s not completely paved.

This road is not only dangerous, but it’s also very far from hospitals, petrol stations and restaurants, so even a small accident could be fatal. If you got lost without food or water, you could easily die of hunger. How long is the stretch that doesn’t have any breaks or resources? 240 km.

That’s why it’s likely that any truck going this way will have survival gear and other goods on board. Many experienced ice truck drivers still won’t even think about going along Dalton Highway in the middle of winter.

4. Fairy Meadows Road in Pakistan

Fairy Meadows Road in Pakistan is an unmaintained gravel road and is rated one of the deadliest in the world.©Lukas Bischoff Photograph/
Fairy Meadows Road in Pakistan is an unmaintained gravel road and is rated one of the deadliest in the world. ©Lukas Bischoff Photograph/

The Fairy Meadows Road is one of the most dangerous roads in Pakistan. In the Gilgit-Baltistan area, this road is 16.2 kilometres long. The whole road is dirt, not pavement, so you’ll never be able to trust it.

And the dirt makes the road unstable. Plus, the road has tight turns and is very high up. Like many of the roads on this list, there are no walls or guardrails to keep you from falling and dying.

5. Guoliang Tunnel Road in China

Built by villagers, the Guoliang Tunnel Road is the most famous tunnel road in China.©Yuangeng Zhang/
Built by villagers, the Guoliang Tunnel Road is the most famous tunnel road in China. ©Yuangeng Zhang/

It seems like a good idea to build a road to get to a town that was previously very hard to get to. But the Guoliang Tunnel Road that leads to the village of Guoliang is also very dangerous. Building the road took five years and a lot of explosives, which made the process itself dangerous.

The way this road was built makes it some what dangerous. Not everyone is sure about how stable it is. That’s scary because it’s only 3.5 metres wide and 600 metres tall at its largest point. Also, it’s only 5.4 metres tall. In other words, this means that two cars can just barely get by each other. There are 0.75 miles (1.2 km) of road.

The place is also at risk of natural problems. There are also questions about how stable its structure is. There aren’t any lights or railings. There are a lot of ditches and rock falls in the area. This area is also prone to mudslides, thick fog, and general conditions that make it easy to slip.

6. Karakoram Highway in Pakistan and China

Karakoram Highway and Skardu Side Road in northern Pakistan. The area is prone to landslides, flooding, and heavy snow.© Bischoff Photograph
Karakoram Highway and Skardu Side Road in northern Pakistan. The area is prone to landslides, flooding, and heavy snow. © Bischoff Photograph

China and Pakistan can talk to each other through this route. It’s 800 miles long, and floods are the most dangerous thing about it. On the other hand, it often floods, gets heavy snow, and avalanches.

At first, the road had a bad image for being dangerous because 1,000 workers died building it. The building began in 1959, and deaths were caused by both floods and other causes. There are still a lot of deaths, from landslides to people falling into valleys.

Even though this is a dangerous and deadly road, it is still a very popular tourist route. It’s appealing because of how beautiful it is.

7. Killar to Pangi Road in India

Killar to Pangi Road is only open from June or early July to mid-October, as avalanches and heavy snowfalls can block sections of the road in winter.©mr.ben.gaisser/
Killar to Pangi Road is only open from June or early July to mid-October, as avalanches and heavy snowfalls can block sections of the road in winter. ©mr.ben.gaisser/

A rocky area in northern India called Kishtwar is crossed by this road that is 113 kilometres long and 70 miles long. Hundreds of deaths have been reported, and experts think that many more have not been recorded. There are many things that make this road dangerous, just like many of the other roads on this list.

To begin, the hills are one of the most dangerous roads because they are so steep. More than 2,500 metres of steep drops are there. You can fall because there are no obstacles or guardrails in the way. Along with that, the ground is unsteady and there are a lot of rocky overhangs.

As with the Guoliang Tunnel Road, one worry about this road is that it is structurally sound since it was built by locals. Even worse, it was made hundreds of years ago and hasn’t had many repairs since then.

This road isn’t paved and can only hold one car at a time. In the winter, mudslides and bad visibility are things to be aware of. Because of this, the road is only open during the summer.

8. North Yungas Road in Bolivia

The narrow North Yungas Road is constantly loaded with freight and passenger transport. It claims the lives of between 200 and 300 people annually.©electra/
The narrow North Yungas Road is constantly loaded with freight and passenger transport. It claims the lives of between 200 and 300 people annually. ©electra/

It is said that the North Yungas Road is the “most dangerous highway in the world.” This is because it is tall, narrow, and doesn’t have any guardrails. It goes from Coroico to La Paz and is 50 miles (80 kilometres) long.

The Cordillera Oriental Mountain Range includes this road. There are 4,600 metres (15,091 feet) of height difference between the road’s highest point and the ground. This is very dangerous because there are no guardrails and the road is only 3.5 metres wide.

Informally, the North Yungas Road is also known as “the most dangerous highway in the world” and other names. It’s also known as the “Road of Death.” Every year until about 2006, 200 to 300 people died on the roads. On the other hand, guardrails, paving, and extra width were added in some places in 2006. This road is still very dangerous to drive on, but not as dangerous as it used to be.

9. Siberian Road to Yakutsk in Russia


Road to Yakutsk is one of the coldest in the world and very remote.

The Siberian Road to Yakutsk is one of the coldest in the world and very remote. ©Piu_Piu/

The main dangers on the Siberian Road to Yakutsk are the cold weather and being cut off from other people. In the winter, this road gets very cold. In fact, this is the only place other than Antarctica where we’ve witnessed such extreme cold. You could also think about how wearing glasses makes the metal stick to your face.

The ice in the summer is just as bad as it is in the winter. The ice turns into mud in the summer, ready to trap you.

But this is the only way to get to or from Yakutsk. Because of this, it is still often used. Because it’s the only road, you should also keep emergency goods close by. If something gets stuck, it’s likely that it will also get stuck anyone who tries to help you.

10. Skippers Canyon in New Zealand

Located in New Zealand’s South Island, the Skippers Canyon Road is known for its scenic roads and scary narrow road with a steep sheer cliff face.©AlmostViralDesign/
Located in New Zealand’s South Island, the Skippers Canyon Road is known for its scenic roads and scary narrow road with a steep sheer cliff face. ©AlmostViralDesign/

There are many parts of Skippers Canyon that aren’t paved, and the road goes up and down a lot. The road was built for the first time near the end of the 1800s, more than 140 years ago. They cut it by hand so that people could get to the mountains to look for gold.

Not only is the road not paved, it is also very small and has sharp turns. Because of this mix, drivers need to be very skilled to get through it. Most car insurance doesn’t cover crashes that happen on this road, which should tell you how dangerous it is. Even so, it still gets people who want to enjoy the beautiful views.

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