One Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Alert You: Here Are the 6 Symptoms!

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Your body will tell you one month before a heart attack: These are the signs!

Heart disease kills more men and women than anything else. A heart attack doesn’t always happen the way it does in movies. Heart attacks can happen quickly or quietly, but many people can tell they’re coming hours, days, or weeks in advance. It might save your life or the life of someone you care about if you know these symptoms and signs.

What should you watch out for?
If you have any of these symptoms a month before your heart attack, you may be having a heart attack:

1. A lot of chest pain

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A lot of people who are having a heart attack feel pain or soreness in their chest. It could feel like someone is squeezing your chest or that your chest is under a lot of pressure. The pain may also spread to your arms, neck, head, back, or stomach, and you may feel short of breath, sweat, be sick, or throw up.
If you have chest pain or soreness that lasts longer than a few minutes, you should see a doctor right away. It could be a sign of a heart attack, so don’t wait to see if it goes away on its own. It is important to remember that not everyone who has a heart attack has chest pain. Some people may have very mild or no signs at all.

2. Tiredness

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After a busy day or a restless night, it’s normal to feel tired or worn out. But this is also a common sign of a heart attack. You might feel like you need more rest or are more tired than normal. This could be because your heart is working harder to pump blood around your body because it isn’t getting as much blood. About 70% of women feel tired right before they have a heart attack.

3. Feeling dizzy


There are many things that can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded, like not eating or drinking enough water. But it can also be a sign of a heart attack. If you’re feeling dizzy and have chest pain or shortness of breath at the same time, you might be having a heart attack.
It’s possible that you think you’re going to pass out or that the room is moving. This might be because the brain isn’t getting enough blood or because of a heart attack that caused the beat to become off.

4. Stomach pain or sickness


Over half of all heart attacks, in both men and women, are accompanied by abdominal pain. Some of the signs could be an upset stomach, feeling sick whether your stomach is full or empty, or feeling bloated. When the body doesn’t have enough oxygen in the blood, this can happen. People also forget that acid reflux or heartburn can be signs of a heart attack. Pay attention to what your body is telling you, and if something feels off, see a doctor right away.

5. Getting hot


If you’re not going through puberty or have just finished working out, breaking out in a cold sweat or sweating a lot could be a sign that you are about to have a heart attack. Because of the stress, your body will go into “fight or flight” mode when it’s in trouble, which can make you sweat.

6. Feet, knees, or legs that swell


If your legs, ankles, or feet swell up for no reason, it could mean your blood is not flowing properly through your body.

7.Heartbeat that isn’t regular

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You might feel like your heart is beating fast if you drink too much coffee in the morning. In very rare cases, this could be a sign of atrial fibrillation, which is another name for the disease. Every part of the body is affected when the heart doesn’t get enough blood. As a result, many bad things can happen.

8. Pain in different body parts

Most of the time, chest pain is the first sign of a heart attack, but you may also feel pain or soreness in other parts of your body. This could be your stomach, back, arms, head, or neck. The pain could feel like squeezing, pressing, or being full. It could come and go or last for a few minutes or more. Your body is smart; when your heart is having trouble, it tells other parts of your body.

9. Having trouble breathing


Another sign of a heart attack that many people notice is shortness of breath. You might feel like you need to breathe more or like you can’t catch your breath. Additionally, you might wheeze or cough. When your heart can’t pump enough blood to meet your body’s needs, this can happen. People who have shortness of breath may also feel chest pain or soreness, be tired, dizzy, or sick.
If you’re having trouble breathing, you should see a doctor right away. Being short of breath could mean a lot of different health problems, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

What do I need to do if I think I’m having a heart attack?


As soon as you notice any of the above signs, you should see a doctor right away. More damage can be done to your heart the longer you wait to get help. These are the steps you need to take:


For emergency help, call: Call 911 right away and ask for an emergency.

Take aspirin. If you have one on hand and are not allergic to it, chew and swallow a 325-milligram tablet while you wait for help to arrive. This can make it less likely for blood to clot and help get more blood to the heart.
Rest: While you wait for help to come, try to stay calm and get some rest. Stay away from activities that can put stress on your heart. Take a break, sit down, and breathe slowly and deeply.
Give them information: When the emergency medical team gets there, tell them as much as you can about your symptoms, medical background, and any medicines you are taking.
People who are having a heart attack may feel pain, discomfort, or pressure in the chest, have shortness of breath, feel sick, sweat, feel lightheaded or dizzy, and have pain or discomfort in their arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach. Any possible signs of a heart attack should be taken very carefully, and you should see a doctor right away.


How to lower the chance of having a heart attack

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Your chance of having a heart attack can go down in a number of ways. Here are some of them:

Follow a healthy lifestyle: eat a well-balanced, healthy diet, work out daily, and keep your weight in a healthy range. Aim to do some kind of moderately intense exercise for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.
Let go of the smoke: If you smoke, stop right away. Heart disease is more likely to happen if you smoke, and quitting can lower your chance by a lot.
Take care of health problems: Control health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol by taking the right medicine and making changes to how you live.
Lessen stress: Relaxation methods, like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises, can help you deal with stress. Being under a lot of stress can make you more likely to have a heart attack.
Also, it’s important to see your doctor regularly for check-ups to keep an eye on your general health and find out how likely you are to get heart disease. These steps can help keep your heart healthy and lower your chance of having a heart attack.

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