Perfectly preserved ancient Roman mosaic floor discovered in Italy

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An old Roman mosaic floor that is in perfect condition was found in Italy.

Italy is a real paradise for history buffs. Each year, millions of people visit the country’s most famous landmarks, such as the Roman Colosseum or the Pompeii Ruins, to feel like they’ve gone back in time. Across the whole country, you can find beautiful sites, though some are in better shape than others. They find another ruin just when you think they’ve seen every one the country has to offer. This just happened when researchers found one of the best-preserved Roman mosaic floors the country has ever seen.

The floor with Roman mosaics

The floor was found in the village of Negrar, which is just north of Verona. Photographs taken by officials show that the floor’s bright colors and complex pattern have stayed the same for hundreds of years.

This floor was found under a vineyard in a hilly area. It is from an old house that was first found almost 100 years ago, in 1922.

In a statement, the local government says, “Part of the floor and foundations of the Roman villa north of Verona, discovered by scholars a century ago, has finally been brought to light, after decades of failed attempts.”

The main goal of their search was to find the exact location and size of the Roman Villa, which is something they had been trying to do since it was first found.

Held up by COVID-19

Last summer, the Superintendent of Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape of Verona sent a team to dig. However, the COVID-19 plague hit Italy and they had to stop their work. The old tile floor was found only one week after the digging started up again.

As the country starts to loosen its lockdown rules, visitors are slowly being allowed to return to ancient places. The researchers who found the floor want to make it possible for tourists and guests to use, but this will take a long time and a lot of resources.

Negrar di Valpolicella Mayor Roberto Grison said, “We think a cultural site with this much value should get more attention and be improved.” “Because of this, the superintendent and the people in charge of agricultural funds will help us find a way to enjoy this treasure.”

More Interesting Roman Artifacts

Not only has this old tile floor been found recently, but so have other interesting things. Seven paving stone slabs from between 27 and 25 B.C. were found in a sinkhole outside of the Pantheon by researchers. The famous “House of Lovers” in Pompeii reopened just before the pandemic hit Italy, after a very ambitious forty-year repair project.

As was already said, many of Italy’s famous ancient sites have started to reopen. To keep people safe, temperature checks and one-way walking paths have been put in place, and people must wear masks to get in.

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