Rob Lowe and his wife have been together for 33 years, which shows that a man will do anything to keep from losing the love of his life.

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  • Post last modified:July 19, 2023
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You are currently viewing Rob Lowe and his wife have been together for 33 years, which shows that a man will do anything to keep from losing the love of his life.

Rob Lowe, who is 58, has gone from being known as a bad boy to being a family man who has been happily married for 20 years. His relationship with make-up artist Sheryl Berkoff, who is 61, seems like it was meant to be. The star said that his true love saved his life and made him a better person. And even though they’ve been together for a long time, their relationship seems to be getting better, making them one of the most real and strong couples in Hollywood.

Bright Side wants to tell you a great story that shows how finding true love can make us better people.

If we are meant to be with someone, we can fall in love at first sight. And when Rob Lowe, then 19, and Sheryl Berkoff, then 22, went on a blind date in 1983, they didn’t really get along. Then, Berkoff dated Keanu Reeves for a short time, and Lowe was tied to a number of Hollywood stars, such as Melissa Gilbert and Winona Ryder.

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But after 6 years, their faith brought them back together. This time, it happened on the set of the drama Bad Influence, where Lowe was playing the lead role and Berkoff was working as a famous makeup artist. This time, though, things were different, and it was the start of a relationship that grew stronger and stronger over time.

But the young couple’s life wasn’t all sweet and wonderful. In fact, Lowe was known as one of Hollywood’s bad boys at the time. He was famous, young, and looked great, but that brought him a lot of problems. The growing star was known for his wild parties and being surrounded by women all the time.

But Berkoff won his heart, and he knew that if he didn’t change his way of life, their relationship wouldn’t last. But the actor was desperate to make it work, so his only choice was to recover. He even said, “I had the feeling that if I could ever make it work with anyone, it would be with Sheryl.”

So, exactly on May 10, 1990, he changed his life and went to rehab, leaving behind his wild days. The star said that getting sober helped him find his true self again. He said, “You start living according to your real values and being who you really are.”

After a year, the two people got married. Lowe said that his marriage was one of the biggest “miracles” of his life. He went on to say, “She saw things in me that nobody had ever seen before.”

In 1993, the couple had a son. Two years later, another boy joined the family and made it even more wonderful.

This pair has been together for 33 years and is still going strong. Their marriage is one of the few long-lasting ones in Hollywood. The actor who is in love with his partner never misses a chance to tell her how much he loves and admires her. On their 31st wedding anniversary, he said, “I still think she’s the most beautiful, craziest, most complicated, and most entertaining person I know. She’s also a great mother.”

There’s no question that these two were meant to be together, and while passion can sometimes fade over time, it seems like the hard times they went through in the beginning made their relationship stronger and deeper. In fact, the lucky husband just recently said, “She really may have saved my life.” And we think it would be hard to beat this kind of friendship.

But Lowe says that their love doesn’t seem to be the most important thing for a marriage to last. When asked what kept them married for so long, he said, “If there’s a way to marry your best friend, do it.” The rest of it comes and goes, but there I was very lucky.”

Do you agree that love can pull us out of our worst situations?

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Preview photo creditĀ Denny Keeler / Hulton Archive / Getty Images,Ā Stephane Cardinale – Corbis / Corbis Entertainment / Getty Images

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