Two of their Female Friends Exhibited How the Same Clothes Appear When Worn by Women of Varied Body Types

  • Post category:Life Style
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  • Post last modified:August 4, 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read
You are currently viewing Two of their Female Friends Exhibited How the Same Clothes Appear When Worn by Women of Varied Body Types

Denise Mercedes and Maria Castellanos are both stunning women, but their bodies couldn’t be more dissimilar to one another. Denise and Maria are both incredibly stunning.

At Bright Side, we are always on the lookout for new and interesting ways to experiment with fashion, and it appears that we may have uncovered the definitive proof that clothes do not make the man — or in this case, the lady. We endeavoured to determine which clothes looked well on either body type but were unable to do so successfully. It’s possible that you’ll arrive at the same decision as well.






Are you of the opinion that there is no set dimension for style?

Preview photo credit denisemmercedes / instagramdenisemmercedes / instagram

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