Wash Your Hands Immediately After Touching These 10 Things

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  • Post last modified:July 27, 2024
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Maintaining good hand hygiene is crucial for preventing the spread of germs and staying healthy. While we often think of washing our hands after using the bathroom or before eating, there are many other items we come into contact with daily that harbor a surprising number of germs. Here are ten things you should wash your hands immediately after touching.

1. Money

Why: Coins and paper bills pass through countless hands, accumulating bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Studies have shown that currency can carry germs such as E. coli and Staphylococcus.

Action: Always wash your hands after handling money, especially before eating or touching your face.

2. Doorknobs and Handles

Why: These surfaces are touched by numerous people throughout the day, making them prime spots for germ accumulation. This includes not only door handles but also refrigerator and microwave handles.

Action: Use a hand sanitizer or wash your hands after touching doorknobs, especially in public places.

3. Mobile Phones

Why: Mobile phones are constantly handled and often placed on various surfaces, making them a hotspot for germs. Studies have found that mobile phones can be dirtier than toilet seats.

Action: Regularly disinfect your phone and wash your hands after using it.

4. Public Transport

Why: Handrails, poles, and seats on buses, trains, and subways are touched by many people, transferring germs and bacteria.

Action: Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands immediately after using public transport.

5. Shopping Carts

Why: Shopping cart handles are touched by numerous shoppers daily and can harbor a variety of germs, including those from raw food.

Action: Use sanitizing wipes on the handle before use and wash your hands after shopping.

6. Pet Waste

Why: Pet waste, including litter boxes and dog feces, can contain harmful bacteria and parasites such as E. coli, salmonella, and Toxoplasma gondii.

Action: Always wash your hands thoroughly after cleaning up after pets.

7. Raw Meat

Why: Raw meat can carry bacteria like salmonella and E. coli, which can cause foodborne illnesses.

Action: Wash your hands immediately after handling raw meat and disinfect any surfaces it has touched.

8. Garbage and Recycling Bins

Why: These bins contain waste that can harbor bacteria, mold, and other harmful pathogens.

Action: Wash your hands thoroughly after taking out the trash or handling recycling bins.

9. Bathroom Surfaces

Why: Bathroom surfaces, including faucets, toilet handles, and soap dispensers, can be contaminated with fecal bacteria and other germs.

Action: Wash your hands after using the bathroom and avoid touching your face until your hands are clean.

10. Gym Equipment

Why: Gym equipment is used by many people and can be covered in sweat, bacteria, and viruses.

Action: Use disinfectant wipes on equipment before and after use, and wash your hands immediately after your workout.


Washing your hands is one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs and stay healthy. By being mindful of the items you touch daily and washing your hands immediately after contact, you can reduce your risk of illness and protect those around you. Make hand hygiene a priority, and stay vigilant about cleaning your hands after touching these common germ hotspots.

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