What Men and Women Really Want in a Mate

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  • Post last modified:July 18, 2023
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A new study by the sex toy company Lovehoney found that both men and women say a partner’s personality is the most important thing when it comes to dating. But other than that, we don’t really want the same things. Men, for example, seem to be much more shallow than women because they put looks higher on the list of what’s important, while women are more interested in being with someone who has a good sense of humour, which is probably how it should be. A simple truth of life is that looks change over time, but belly laughs last forever.

The 6,000-person study mostly looked at how new couples feel about each other’s sexual histories, numbers, and ex-lovers, and how that affects their current relationship. It also looked at what makes people interesting in the first place. Before you start talking about your sexual history, you might want to think about what brought you together in the first place. Was it their good looks? Your friendly laugh? Or the fact that you can both make people laugh like it’s no big deal?

Lovehoney put together a list of the six most important things for both men and women to consider when trying to meet someone new. Even though some of them are the same, others are not, which just goes to show that men and women have different interests when it comes to love.

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6. Job

The study found that 1% of both men and women think their new partner’s job is the most important thing. It’s always great (and probably very important) to be with someone who has a job, but it shouldn’t really matter what that job is. Unless one works as a taxidermist, which would be a strange job, and I can’t even think what their flat would look like. But at least they have a job, and that should be the most important thing.

5. Intelligence

In fifth place, both men and women agree that a person’s knowledge is the most important thing to look for when meeting someone new. Because what’s the point of dating if you can’t argue about politics over a big pepperoni pizza?

4. The chemistry of love

Even though physical chemistry is important to both men and women (eight percent each), it is in a different place on the top six list. For guys, sexual chemistry is fourth on the list, while for women it is third.


3. How it looks

The second most important thing to guys when they’re getting to know someone is how they look. This makes sense, since guys are visual creatures. According to the study, 10% of men put personality just above looks on the list of what’s important. When women think about their top six concerns, appearance is number four.

2. Sense Of humour

At 15 percent, a sense of humour comes in second for women. Even though a sense of humour is important for guys as well, it’s only the third most important thing for them, at 9%. It seems like guys need me to tell them how long belly laughs can last.

1. Who you are

When it comes to what’s most important in a new partner, both men and women say that it’s the person. At 67 percent for women and 68 percent for men, a new date’s attitude can make or break it. Because of this, it’s best to keep your weird side a secret until at least age 25.

See more šŸ‘‰ 14 Reasons You Should Date a Man Who Cares About His Family

See more šŸ‘‰ Six phrases are more meaningful to a partner than the phrase ā€œI love you.ā€

See more šŸ‘‰ Marilyn Monroe took these 16 famous photos of herself in 1957.

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