What’s the Meaning of a Boot on a Fence Post?

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What Does Putting a Boot on a Fence Post Mean?


A boot on a fence is something that you can often see as you drive or walk through the country. A lot of people have asked what it means and why it’s there. As you might expect, this strange, if not decorative, custom can be found for a lot of different reasons, from decoration to honouring someone.


1. A boot on a fence means work that is hard.

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A lot of the time, the worn-out look of the boot on the fence shows how hard the person worked. Or not getting enough sleep and the long hours that come with being a farmer or rancher. A boot on a fence is sometimes just a sign of commitment—the kind of dedication shown by a worker and their family, which can go back generations.

2. A Sign of Being Unique

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Most of the time, a boot on a fence means something very important to the family that owns the land. Other times, they’re just there for looks. A boot on a fence is sometimes just an attempt to make the property line look nicer.

3. Putting a boot on a fence to remember the dead

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There are times when a rancher or farmer will do this to honour a close connection they had with a dead worker or other animal. The sign is sometimes put out to remember a farmer or rancher who has died. It shows respect for the person or animal who has died by putting the boot on the fence.


4. Putting a foot on a fence might help people talk to each other.

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People used to put their boots on the fence to let others know if they were home long before phones and Instant Messenger were common ways to talk to each other. It would depend on which way the boot was pointed, but this sign would let people know if their home, ranch, or farm was fully operational or not for the time being. Until a farmer or rancher could go back home and do their normal duties for the town.

5. Safety

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Over time, bad weather can wear down wooden fence posts and cause them to break into pieces. In some cases, a homeowner may choose to protect fence posts with a boot on the fence while also finding a new use for a favourite pair of old boots.

6. A Place to Look Back On

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In rural areas without many landmarks, a boot on a fence would often help tourists and guests figure out where they were when asking locals for directions.


7. A Boot on a Fence is a Place to Get Together

Photo Credit: Ross V. Walker



A boot on a fence is sometimes just a way for neighbours or guests from out of town to find each other. In the past, when properties were much bigger and could be hundreds of acres, it was a way for people to find each other.

Signs that Mean Something

Photo Credit: Ross V. Walker

For hundreds of years, people from cities have found it hard to understand how farmers and ranchers do things. But, as with everything else in life, taking a moment to understand the how and why of something can shed light on a tradition that seems strange, scary, or even unpleasant. Often, this can help you see how common or “normal” the tradition really is. There are more traditions than just putting your boot on a fence in the country, where farmers, ranchers, and cattle drivers live and work.

Barn Stars

One other interesting symbol is the barn star, which is a Dutch custom that often stood for family values and traditions as well as their home country. It also added some style to a plain and smelly building. Another interesting farming custom has to do with the holidays and brings people from the city and the country together.

People have thought of the Christmas tree, which has a long past, as a way to bring people together during the holidays. “Christmas and the holidays bring people together to celebrate and get back in touch with farmers and rural America.” This goes for holiday cards with pictures of country scenes as well as trips to farms that sell Christmas trees, offer hay rides, and other ways to enjoy old holiday traditions. From what the American Farm Bureau Federation says.


Holding on to Traditions

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Finally, the American barn, like finding a boot on a fence, is a sign of old traditions among ranchers and farms. A classic wooden barn stands for wealth and a “connection to the land.” Like many other cultures and ways of life, farming, ranching, and cattle herding have their own symbols, like the boot on a fence, that honour their ancestors and those who have worked hard to give the rest of the U.S. food, meat, and other things. Some customs people in the country hold are a way for them to express themselves and show how they live.

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