Woman Issues Frightening Warning After Finding a Stroller Abandoned on the Side of The Road

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Image Credit: Nancy Walsh with Jeff Cook Real Estate – Facebook

A woman gives a scary warning after finding a pram left on the side of the road.

In a world where people naturally want to help those in need, a scary new scam has appeared that takes advantage of people’s willingness to be kind to strangers. A worried mum uses social media to tell others about something bad. She told them it could be dangerous to stop to help what looks like an abandoned baby or pram on the side of the road.

The Broadcast Warning

Image Credit: Nancy Walsh with Jeff Cook Real Estate – Facebook


The mom’s post, which has since gone viral, has a picture of a pram stopped next to some bushes just off the road. Her important message says, ‘Please, I repeat, don’t get out if you see a pram, car seat or any other type of baby stuff by itself in the middle of nowhere’. “Be careful.”

What the Public Thought

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People all over the world responded right away to this message. Many people said they agreed and shared their own worries:

Concerns about safety: One person said, “Yes, people lie in wait.” They either steal from you or beat you up.
Desperation over money: “Families are having a hard time, and some of them will use kids as bait,” said someone else.

The way things are done

Image Credit: Nancy Walsh with Jeff Cook Real Estate – Facebook

Thieves use the “abandoned baby” strategy to sneak up on people who aren’t paying attention. When a good-hearted person stops to check on the pram that seems to have been left behind, the thieves attack. Often leading to theft or hurt to oneself.

Not a New Plan

For illustrative purposes only. Image Credit: Pexels

This is not the first time that these kinds of warnings have been given. But the most recent post has gotten a lot of attention, with people from all over the world saying how awful it is to use a baby as bait.

Responses from the public: One mother said, “OMG, I would be out of the car so fast to check. Thanks for the warning.”
Emotional Stratage: Someone else said, “This is so mean because they’re going after the best of us.”

Other Options Besides Stopping

For illustrative purposes only. Image Credit: Pexels


Because of the possible risk, many people suggested doing things other than stopping:

Call the cops: “I’d just call the police to take a look at it.” It sounds mean, but it’s not worth the trouble.
Stay alert: Some people said to stay in the car and call the police instead of getting out and helping.
Read more: After her daughter collapses, a mother sends a strong warning to parents about “chroming.”

Responses That Are Funny

For illustrative purposes only. Image Credit: Pexels


Not all answers were serious; some found the situation funny:

Problems with the Husband: “This pram was probably thrown away by my husband because he still can’t figure out how to fold it for the boot after two years.”

Mom had to throw it away because her kid wanted to walk but didn’t want to push the food in the empty pram. She’ll get it later when she comes back.

Other Scams Like It


The “abandoned baby” scam is one of many dishonest schemes that try to take advantage of people who are willing to help. Other tricks like this one are:

The “Dead Man”: Someone acts like they are passed out on the side of the road.
The Screaming Woman: People scream for help, but when someone comes to help them, they attack them.

Meetings in Real Life

People talked about their own lives and the advice they’ve been given:

“I pulled over once to help a man who was passed out on the side of the road,” the officer said. The police officer yelled at me and told me to be more careful since I was a single woman because it was probably a scam.
Women Con artists: “I’ve heard of women screaming for help only to do the same thing again.” “Just call the police and go on with your life.”

In conclusion

The post has been shared 23,000 times and has had thousands of comments, showing how worried people are and how important it is to stay alert. Even though it’s good to want to help, it’s important to put your own safety first and trust the authorities to handle possibly dangerous situations.

Knowing about scams and being careful can make all the difference in a world where they are getting smarter. If you see a “abandoned baby” or anything else that seems fishy, remember to stay safe, call the cops, and don’t put yourself in danger.

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