A woman has triplets who are all the same and grow up to be OB-GYN doctors, just like her.

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You are currently viewing A woman has triplets who are all the same and grow up to be OB-GYN doctors, just like her.

In an amazing turn of events, a mother gave birth to identical triplet girls. At the time, she had no idea that one day she would be working with her beloved daughters. The three daughters all chose the same career path as their mom. Their story shows how genes, passion, and a strong family bond can make a difference.

A mom who did everything.

After getting her degree with honours, Dr. Janet Gersten was one of the first female OB/GYNs to open a private practise in south Miami in 1983. After a few years, she started her own private site for clinical studies.

Janet’s pregnancy with triplets was a surprise because no one in her family had ever had that happen, but she took care of it like a boss. At 35 weeks, she had to have a C-section to keep the situation from getting worse.

An unexpected end.

Vicky, Sarah, and Joanna were all eight years old the first time they saw their mom give birth. Sarah was amazed at how calmly her mother dealt with the situation, while Vicky stood against the wall and Joanna was shocked.

“Three things definitely stick out in my mind,” she says. “One, I was surprised by how big the baby’s head was. Two, I had never felt like I was going to pass out before. And third, I don’t want to be an OB-GYN at all.”

But as they got older, so did their interest in the subject. Gertsen says that she never forced any of her children to go in the same direction as her. Instead, they did it on their own. In 2017, both girls finished their medical residency programmes and went to work for their mother’s medical practise.

It’s in the genes.

The boys’ father was also a doctor, which is an interesting fact. Dr. Robert Bedell was an OB-GYN who worked in South Florida for many years before he quit. He kept working as a doctor of palliative care until he died in 2013.

Gresten, who is 70 years old now, is proud of her children and happy to work with them. “I am one of the luckiest mothers around to be able to do that,” she says.

“I love that I don’t roll my eyes when I say I have to go to work,” says one of her children. I love that we all work together and that I can trust them.”

Their mother is a hero to Vicky, Sarah, and Joanna. ” Dr. Janet Gersten, our mother, has been a doctor for more than 35 years. She is a go-getter, a role model, a leader, and the person we will always look up to. In a sweet post for their mother, they said, “We will always be grateful to have her as our leader.”

We can only think about how lucky these women must feel to work with each other. A family of five flew an aeroplane as cabin crew in a similar turn of events. Find out about their amazing story here.

Preview photo credit bedelltripletobgyns / Instagrambedelltripletobgyns / Instagram

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