The True Story Of A Man-Eating Tiger’s ‘Vengeance’

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The True Account Of The “Vengeance” Of A Man-Eating Tiger

There there lived a majestic tiger in the deep forests of India, revered and feared by all who encountered it. It was a formidable sight with its eye-catching black and orange stripes, and stories of its legendary hunting skills abounded.

A poacher entered the tiger’s territory one day in 1997 in an attempt to take the kill for himself. The poacher’s weapon caused injuries to the tiger before it sensed danger and launched an attack. Seeing a chance to get money from his meeting with the tiger, the poacher took off with some of its kill and ran away.

In the late 20th century, the Amur tiger was nearly hunted to the brink of extinction — at one point, there were just 30 animals left in the wild. Above, an Amur tiger sits in the snow at a wildlife rehabilitation center. John Goodrich


The tiger, in pain and fury, pursued the poacher to his home located far into the forest. There, it demolished the poacher’s possessions and bided its time for his return. The tiger remained in wait for its prey for a minimum of six hours.

The poacher was quickly and effectively killed by the tiger when he eventually made it back to his cabin. The tiger then ate the poacher’s corpse to get even for the pain it had endured.

People started telling tales of the formidable animal that prowled the forest as soon as word of the tiger’s revenge reached the nearby settlements. The tiger came to represent the untamed might of nature, a creature both revered and feared.

There were still people who wanted to pursue the tiger in spite of the warning that other poachers would suffer from its vengeance. However, the tiger consistently avoided their snares and traps, proving to be too strong and cunning for them.

People started leaving food and flower offerings at the edge of the forest as a symbol of their respect for the tiger as its reputation spread over time. The tiger had evolved beyond its status as merely an animal to represent the precarious equilibrium between nature and humanity as well as the negative effects of human cruelty and greed.

Thus, the tiger persisted in its wild and menacing ways, inspiring terror and wonder in everyone who encountered it. Long after it had died, its memory continued to serve as a cautionary tale to anyone who might try to take advantage of nature for personal benefit.

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